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New York has always been attracting visitors and over the years many things contributed to its popularity. But New York is much more than the Statue of Liberty, Times Square or Ground Zero. Discovering some of the hidden gems of this large city is part of the fun.

Ground Zero : the entire world was shocked by the 9/11 events and there is nothing more emotional than visiting the place where the World Trade Center towers used to stand. There???s a temporary museum on site as well as a memorial. Construction is on the way at the new Freedom Tower.

Times Square : the heart of New York has been made famous by many TV-shows. Once having a rather ???edgy??? reputation, Times Square is now home to the most famous New Year???s party in the world. On any other days, you can walk on the street checking out the restaurants and shops.

Ellis Island used to be the first stop for the immigrants looking for a new life in New York. Visit the Immigration Museum to get a real feel of what was like to pass through the facility. Tours are available but you can also roam free and relay only on the signs to give you (little) information.

Statue of Liberty : thousands of tourists flock to see the statue every day and for the first time visitor it???s always a must. The inside of the statue is closed but you can still check out the exterior and (struggle to) take photos. Plan to visit the site when the crowds are low (weekdays, as early as possible).

Rockefeller Center : one of the best known New York landmarks actually comprises 19 office buildings set in the heart of Midtown Manhattan. From October until April the skating rink is open for the public (and we bet you???ve already seen it in many movies!). The Christmas tree , which is lit on the day following Thanksgiving, has also become a major tourist attraction.

Empire State Building : the office building is famous for the elevator going to one of the observation docks (the one at the 86th floor is the most famous)

Lincoln Center : the home of New York???s high culture, Lincoln Center is quite hard to visit unless you have tickets for a concert or event. There are guided tours (four) each day and they always comprise part of a live rehearsal.

Boroughs : no visit to New York is complete without experiencing all of its boroughs: Manhattan (with its many neighborhoods ), Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx and Staten Island.

Museums : there are over 100 museums in New York so it can get a bit hard to figure out where to go first. The page lists the most famous museums in the city.

By BootsnAll | Permalink

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